Enprobel, a powerful duo to collect used oils
Enprobel (“Clean Environment for our Belgium”) was created and launched in October 2017 by
two young entrepreneurs from Brussels, Nahla El Mernissi and Imad Mouakkat. Nahla graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and manages the day-to-day business. Imad is the founder of the company, which today provides for the collection of used cooking oil. Faced with the problem of excessive spillage of oils and frying fats in the sewer systems, and knowing that 1 litre of used oil spilled pollutes more than 1000 litres of drinking water, the two entrepreneurs wanted to act. They carried out a market study which showed that 1 in 2 Belgians throw their used oils down the drain. So, rather than investing in water filtering systems in order to depollute, why not provide a direct collection service for these oils?
The nugget of 2018
Village Partenaire and Group One were pleased to provide coaching for the development of this project: the two entrepreneurs were supported by Christophe Grasser, while taking part in the Greenlab.brussels programme to accelerate circular entrepreneurship. At the end of this programmed, the project was named winner of the Greenlab 2018 edition!

From restaurateur to inhabitant
Around a hundred Brussels customers and a few big names in catering in Flanders (Antwerp) and Wallonia (Namur) are Enprobel customers. Their business model is based on buying back oils from professionals and then selling them to a subcontractor. The oils will be filtered and decanted in order to constitute a healthy base for the production of biofuel, soap products and cosmetics. Enprobel also intends to target individuals and to do this, since July 2018, the company has developed a partnership with a building of more than 400 apartments. The inhabitants can thus deposit their used oils in cans made available to them. And the little firm is not going to stop there. For the moment, it has the support of the Brussels-Capital Region and of Bruxelles Propreté, but intends to expand its partnerships in order to develop the solution on a larger scale. Thus, it is in negotiations with the municipalities as well as with various building unions.
If you wish to invest in this project, do not hesitate to contact Nahla El Mernissi at enprobelco@gmail.com
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